Las Vegas is one of the greediest places to work only followed by Wall Street where money talks and the more you have the louder you can be. One of the biggest talkers on the strip is Wynn and the MGM Properties. But because these millionaire corporations having so much greed for the dollar we now have new jobs that will be on the strip with the opening of City Center. With new jobs opening up it gives our economics a chance to jump start its self which we need so bad in our economy. We are lucky in a way because most of our corporations on the strip give back to the community.
But there are other corporations that do not give back they take money that was given to the by the government and they give it to their CEO as bonuses which should have went to help others out.
Then there are the credit cards that are not getting more money from us because if we are late on one card they have the right to raise the interest rates on all of your credit cards. This means that it will put more of a hardship on the average family that has had to use their credit cards to pay for day to day stuff. All because the banks and finance companies want more money, after they abused the bail out money that the government gave them.
So you might say that greed being good is like a sword that will cut you on both sides. Yes if a corporation has a lot of greed chancing the dollar and they make new jobs and give back to the community then yes greed is good. However if they take and take and never give back I do not understand how greed can be good.
Das große Buch der Gartengestaltung (3421040079)
2 years ago